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Sunday, May 8, 2011

You and You and You belong to me

For my birthday, Heather gave me a card to end all cards.  It was amazing.  It made me cry.  Seriously.  How can you top that?  How, I ask. How!?!?

One of the lines read,

"And we know what only sisters can know-
 that sticking together works for almost anything life can throw at us. 
That we belong to each other in a way that we can never belong to anyone else..." 

And honestly, that line has been rolling around in my head all day ever since.  

So, I know that technically, this is supposed to be a post about Mothers, but in my heart, I know that line is true for so many of My Loves.

So, here's to Belonging to lots of different people in lots of different ways.  

I am loved in a way that overwhelms me.   In case you didn't know it, or don't feel it right now- 


With that being said, my mom is, hands down, the most selfless person I know.  
Stumbled upon these two photos tonight, the last of the two made me cry. I am the tiny one with no hair.  

Happy Mother's Day. 

Love and that was the first time we met, 

1 comment:

Shelly said...

This post made me cry, partially because I'm so grateful that our family has some of the best moms ever to walk this earth, and partially because I literally saw Norah hug Penny exactly like that before bed tonight. I am just so, so grateful to be the mom of sisters. I hope I can teach them to love as well as the two of you do.