Oh for heaven's sake. This is the most personal piece of information I have shared on here.
But I do it for...literary purposes?
The Fine Art of Documentation...?
...And the off chance that somebody somewhere is going through The Exact Same Thing and will take great comfort in knowing that Stuff Like This happens to the best of us.
So, I say again, "Oh for heaven's sake."
With that being said (twice), today I refilled my birth control. For reasons as to why this was Very Sad, you can click
here or
There was an issue with my prescription so there were about 12 extra hoops to jump through before I could get those magic little no-baby-pills.

jump through+hoops+vintage pics on Sodahead
Because- you know- I needed a little extra salt in that wound.
And I also bought some bright pink lipstick because sometimes a girl just needs a pick me up.
I mean...what do you do? Seriously. What do you do when you are abandoning a plan you've had since 2008.
Cause it feels funny. You know.
And right now, I am realizing the irony. Lipstick and birth control....kind of like buying hot sauce and tums.
Right now, I am hanging on closely to these lyrics.
We're glad for what we've got
done with what we've lost
our whole lives laid out right in front of us
Tim gave me this (burned CD) with the band name "Starlite fire" etched in black sharpie. After much googling, those guys were nowhere to be found. It was only until I searched for the
lyrics that I realized the band name was actually
Straylight Run.
Which I guess is a lesson in "Sometimes, what you are looking for
isn't actually what you are looking for."
And where is that
Highly Intelligent Cat when I need it?
Love and the lipstick is called Mauve Me. It's fun.