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Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Anatomy of a Snow Day

About a week ago, I mentioned that we had a snow day.  It was glorious.  I made sugar cookies.  I went to the store.  I had burgers with my dad.  This here's the proof.    

I had lunch with my dad and was rewarded with one, delicious, extra pickle.  Lucky!  

Topics included:  summer travel, music, and future restaurant endeavors (i.e. where else in the city we can find delicious burgers). 

Quite possibly my favorite picture of Noel.  

I made artichokes in the crockpot.  I really did kind of like them.  However.  It was the first time, in almost 6 years that I've seen my husband actually frightened of food.  He kept calling it a Sarlacc.  I just Google Imaged Sarlacc and I have to laugh because he is SO RIGHT.  

Earlier in the week, I drove to my sister's.  This is how Scarlett rode for part of the time (Residential area, stop & go traffic.  Not safe for highway speeds, I know)! 
So, there you have it.  So thankful for this little space to stow away all my goods.  Thanks for coming along.


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