I used to have a 45 minute work commute (at least). It was hard, y'all. Sometimes, people handle these things with beauty and gratitude and grace. My mother in law is one of them. Her commute is similar, and she handles it well.
Uh...I am not one of those people.
During those dark, dark mornings, as my 29th year turned to 30, and 30 turned into 31, I often pleaded (read: complained), "Lord. I cannot have a baby and do this."
Do you ever tell The Lord what you "can" and "cannot" do? Sometimes, I do. It's probably not a good idea, and I don't recommend it at all...yet, I still keep doing it in my own life. Do as I say, kids. Do as I say. But...with that being said...
Now I have a new job (pure joy). I am about 5 days in, and the other night, it took me 11 minutes and 28 seconds to get home (I totally timed it and squealed with joy in the driveway). And I think sometimes, maybe our pleading is also praying in disguise, we just don't know it at the time.
I'd say 75% of my semi-decent ideas come to me in the shower. Um. And this post was one of them. You know how cartoon characters always get an idea and yell, "TO THE LAB!," Well, I would yell, "TO THE SHOWER!"
So, I love this verse from Samuel, although it's not even remotely applicable to my life right now.
I think we all have examples of "this child" in our lives. For me, it was an 11 and 1/2 minute commute.
The Lord has granted me what I asked of Him, even though I didn't really know I was asking at the time.
So...in closing...
When I am Being Ridiculous, I often find myself saying, "Everything is going to be ok." But I want to live my life expecting good things. I don't want to just settle for "ok."
The Bible says we can have "joy unspeakable and full of glory."
So. Whatever you're waiting for, keep waiting. Don't you love that answer? Ha.
And I'm not going to tell you, "Everything is going to be ok." Because I want better for you than that. I want better than that for both of us.
Love, and the half has never yet been told,
This is beautiful, Holly. I didn't handle my long commute well at all! I also had a 45 minute to sometimes over an hour commute. There were times I literally cried in my car because I wanted to be home so badly. Maybe those tears were my prayers because my commute is now 20 minutes or less! YAY!
Your posts are just fantastic! And I don't know if you got inside my head or what, but you are speaking straight to my soul lately. So thankful for you and your blog!
Anyway, I love this idea about how our pleading and tears can be prayers without us realizing it. I've never thought about it that way before, but now that I do, it makes so much sense. It's a good thing He sorts us all out, isn't it?
I love this, and I love you!
Also...this: Can't even tell you the HOPE the line "the half that has never yet been told" brought to my heart tonight! So good!! Yes to that half and all God has planned for all of us! HUGS.
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