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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Influence Conference 2013 Link-Up!

     Today, I'm participating in a Meet & Greet link-up in an attempt to get to know the other ladies who will be attending the upcoming Influence Conference.

Hello fellow conference attenders!  :)

     My name is Holly with a Y, and I'm from Cincinnati, OH (Yippee and Go Bucks!)  I live in a tiny house with a red front door with my husband and our two dogs.  I have been blogging for 10 years or so (starting with Xanga!), but am looking forward to diving deeper into the profession of blogging/writing after recently snagging the long-sought-after title of Stay at Home Wife.

     The link-up suggests we share 2 things we'll be sure to pack and 2 things we're looking forward to during the conference.

To Pack

  ( 1 )   I recently re-discovered this lip gloss from C.O. Bigelow buried in another purse.  I've had it for nearly 4 years now, and it's almost time to buy another tube (I've nursed this puppy along...usually I lose these kinds of things before they're empty...heehee)!  It's a great way to add a little bit of color, plus it's minty, too!
   ( 2 )   I'm also bringing lots of hair ties and bobby pins.  My hair is longer than usual, now.  I'm often not sure what to do with it.  Hooray for Pinterest!  Sometimes, I just want it UP!

To Anticipate 

     I'm really looking forward to just digging my heels into the world of blogging, and learning how to not only take it more seriously but also how to better share my heart on this here' space.

     I'm also looking forward to sleeping in a hotel bed.  I think sometimes it just feels a little luxurious!

My best to you.


Lena said...

Hi!!!! So excited to meet you in a few weeks! Can I get an AMEN on sleeping in a hotel bed! I'm with you on the luxurious part! :)

Holly said... glad you get me with the hotel bed-thing! It is so nice to sleep on sheets I didn't have to wash! :)

Mandy Ford Art & Illustration said...

HI there! I'm not too far away from Richmond, Indiana. :) And I love that brand of lip gloss...I have one from Bath and Body Works that is my favorite. Excited to meet you and so many others at the conference!

Holly said...

Well, Hello from right across the border! :) Just stopped by your blog and so enjoyed your "house tour!" I am so curious to paint our fireplace brick a pretty white, but I've been informed I'm "not allowed." Haha. Looking forward to meeting you as well!!!

Kerrie Williams said...

Ooh I love hotel beds too! My fave! Hope to meet you there!!

Annie said...

Buckeyes? EW. ;] Go blue!

I absolutely think sleeping in hotel beds is luxurious. They're so much more comfortable than my own!

Unknown said...

Hi Holly! I'm going to Influence and I'm in Dayton! Haven't come across too many OH ladies going. I'm just getting on the bandwagon of connecting with these amazing ladies via twitter/blogs/instagram. Super excited about being there!

@lisavdesigner on Twitter/Instagram

Laura Darling said...

Have a fantastic time! I can't wait to read all about it!

Gay Massage Orlando said...

It sounds like the conference will be an exciting opportunity for growth and learning.