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Tuesday, April 15, 2014


My Friends!  I am so glad you're here!

Today is the first day of my blog's re-launch, and I'm so incredibly excited!

First, some information for my history nerds ....

     I started blogging in college (circa 2002) using Xanga (can you believe it?). At the beginning of 2008, I switched to the blogger platform, and "" was born.  In the middle of 2013, I re-branded to The Young Museum.  In 2013, I got involved with The Influence Network and attended The Conference in September.

     The Conference blew my mind, you guys.  I realized my space, voice, and overall "brand" could be used as a ministry, of sorts, and my current blog wasn't scratching that itch.

Six months...fifty-eight emails...four hundred and thirty two prayers later...and this blog was born.

     And now, for those of you that like a good (short) story...

     The year 2013 was brutal.  We have a tiny hallway that connects our bathroom and two other bedrooms.  I used to come home from work, sit on the floor, and cry to Tim in that hallway while he showered.

     I started thinking about how badly I wanted a life that inspired "cartwheels down the hall" instead of crying, and...let me tell you...The Lord did not disappoint, cause things are now on the up & up. ;)

With that being said, I'm so glad you're here.

When I started dreaming about a re-brand, I wrote a list of prayers / desires /wishes for the blog and the words to come.

The one that stood out the most...that would become my "Manifesto!" was this...

I wanted The Lord to use this space to help women strengthen their faith, marriages, friendships and homes. 

So... here we are.  With busy hands & an open heart. 

Curious.  Anxious.  Excited.  

My best to you.

Love & I'm so glad you exist, 


carmen @ life blessons said...

Oh yay that you're back! And on your bday no less! How fitting! Hope to see you in real life someday soon!!

Holly said...

Oh, hooray! I am so glad you stopped by! I forgot to tell you in real life! ;) I want to see your face soon...and kiss that sweet child of yours. We're gonna make it happen!

Unknown said...

Love your story! So excited for you! I have a feeling that the conference this year will. be. pretty. amazing. ;)

Holly said...

Jeanell! I'm so excited you stopped by! Thank you so much! I keep getting more and more excited about The Conference by THE MINUTE!!!! :)

Whitney @ Journey Mercies said...

Holly, I LOVE your blog design! It's so fresh and cheerful. Congrats on your rebrand - I think amazing things are ahead of you!

Jen Weaver said...

Love the redesign! So friendly and inviting. And I love the blog name, who wouldn't want a life that inspires cartwheels?! :)

Can't wait to see what comes next!

Unknown said...

So glad I found your from Influence! I adore your new blog name and re-design! This was a beautiful, inspiring post, thanks for sharing!