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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Hurry up, there's no title or Running in Heels

This is exactly what I have been feeling like these days, and you want to know the truly scary thing?  Between snow days, and a pre-scheduled personal day, I only had a 2 day work week last week.  Where does the time go?  You don't even want to see my dining room table right now.  I better get busy or Santa is going to be horrified.  All I need is a bulldozer, a shovel and a really big dumpster.  On an unrelated note, how much do you love Rachel McAdams?  My guess is lots.  Lots and Lots.  

I've missed you. Meh.  Tis' the season, right?  Raise your hand if you are so incredibly busy.  

(((hand in air)))

Love and holding-out-till-break-starts-on-Wednesday, 


Lorraine said...

You aren't allow. The general consensus around the interwebs right now is that we're all pretty busy.

In my case, I'm busy watching the clock because OMG it's almost time to go home for the long weekend.

Also, Dear Santa, I want Rachel's shoes. Thanks.


Holly said...

I know! Don't you LOVE her shoes...esp. with that color! I hope you had a GREAT Christmas, Lorraine! :)