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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

For you, a list

     My friend Carmen came up with a great idea for her blog- she posts her weekly to-do list and shares some things she's already checked off.  She also encourages her readers to post theirs and link back to hers so we can all be inspired by what everyone is accomplishing.  Hooray for a Team Effort.  


Poor Carmen, I have been telling myself I was going to link up to her "to-do" posts for a long time.  But, we're here now.  Hooray, again!    

     Honestly?  It has changed MY LIFE! Ha...Seriously.  I have been using a little notebook and adding things to my list...along with marking things off ever since school started last week.  I think this is a large part of the reason why my house is actually *kind of* clean/picked up.  I love the "doing little things at a time" attitude this list-making evokes...not quite so overwhelming, I must say.  
source unknown

     Well, here are the things I'd like to finish by Friday or Saturday.  Some of them are school/work-related so I realize they don't have much meaning to you...but to me...yowza.  I actually feel pretty good about what I got accomplished tonight.  Here is my most updated list (no longer including things that I marked off tonight).  

Grade Math Assessment 10.8
laminate a few things I've been putting off
Hang 20 "word wall" words
iron/hem curtain that goes in classroom door/window

Double-check due date of student loan
Go to the bank
Send necessary emails
look up some new recipes/start grocery list for upcoming week

dust living room/dining room
unload dishwasher 

I was a bit vague on some things.  I felt silly detailing exactly whom I "need" to email, etc. Although I'm sure those people would be flattered, I don't think everyone needs to know EVERYTHING.  

I feel super lame saying this, but it was fun.  Thanks for the idea, Carmen!  I'm sure I'll be linking up again sometime soon.  

If you are a reformed clutterbug/control freak/person-of-organized-chaos like me, then I highly suggest you try this "to-do list" method.  It really does make life (and organized living) much easier.  

Love and lots of check-marks, 


Mrs. Werginz said...

I have too many lists! I love writing it down but I have various ones on different notepads/sticky notes! What grade do you teach? I am an SLP in a middle school and I knwo all aout laminating and the word walls that teachers have to make!! Good can accomplish your list!!

carmen @ life blessons said...

Ah, yay! I'm so glad you're enjoying the to-do lists too. It's been really helpful for me, because I'll forget halfway through the week and then click over and remember! And I don't know that dusting has ever made my to-do list--I'm impressed!

Jena Carper said...

What a cute idea! I'm ridiculously addicted to "to-do" lists. I have millions of post-it notes in a variety of colors with all kinds of scribbles on them.
I want to know what "Word Wall" words are. :)

Cassie said...

Lists really are amazing. Although I tend to get a little OCD when I'm hand-writing them out. If I forget something and it's added at the bottom where it doesn't make sense chronologically... I re-write the whole thing. Same goes for bad handwriting and other careless mistakes. Why I never type them up is beyond me. At least the stuff (usually and magically) gets done!

TS Massage Colchester said...

Hi nice readingg your post