In case you missed it, I'm challenging myself to walk for 20 minutes (a mile) everyday for the next 30 days. It's not too late to join in! Part one is here. This is Part 2. I wanted to write about some suggestions I think may help us experience a higher rate of success.
1. You need a contingency plan. I accidentally typed "contingency plant," Ha. I guess you'll need one of those, too.
You guys. Let's not pretend. I KNOW at some point during the next 30 or so days, it's going to be like, 9:46pm and I'll still be waiting to get my walk done.
Let's be at 9:46 at night, we're still ready to make the good and right choice.
Rain. Kitchen catastrophes. Traffic. It's all comin' our way. Let's be ready.
I found this walk on Youtube that I thought looked kind of cool. Anything by Leslie Sansone is good, too.
I know some of these video can be kind of cheesy/not seem productive, but anything that keeps us moving is a GOOD THING. :)
Hang in there!
2. Create a visual reminder- I am using a really pretty fall photo I took on one of my recent walks as my phone's lock screen. Take a picture of something you enjoyed seeing on your walk today and make it your wallpaper or phone lock screen. Write a quote on a post-it and stick it to your mirror. Pin something on Pinterest. Just find something walk-related and PUT IT IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE! :)
3. Look ahead at your schedule- This Thursday, I'm booked from least. I need to figure out how I can get in my walk so I'm not dragging my feet around the block in the middle of the night...haha. (Not safe! Not safe!) Which leads me to...
4. Consider splitting your time - You may have to decide that you're going to walk ten minutes in the morning...five minutes in the parking lot after work...and 5 minutes once you get home. That's ok! Just start moving! One thing I'm considering is showering at night. We're having some really beautiful, mild weather, so I really don't sweat on my walks. I think I might shower at night and use the extra time in the morning to squeeze in a walk. That way, when I get back inside, I'm just ready to change clothes and go. Also, keep in mind that this can be really simple! For example, today, I walked in my "work" clothes. (My leopard print ballet flats are really comfortable)! :)
Don't trick yourself into thinking you have to change clothes and make a big production of it. Yes. You may occasionally want to change into gym clothes and really log some QUICK MILES, but don't overcomplicate it if you don't have to. :) As long as your comfortable in what you're wearing...just walk in it!
5. Track your progress- I'm using these super cute mini-calendars from Hello Cuteness to check off all the work-outs I've gotten in this month!
6. Think about WHY you're doing this -
Here's an article about 8 Astonishing Benefits of Walking ! I love it! #1 and #6 BLEW me away. Wow! Powerful stuff! I'm trying to be a mature adult and not mention #2. ;)
I find, when I'm not regularly exercising, my body just feels really out of control. I feel this way the most when I get in the shower in the mornings. I just feel really soft and glumpy. Attractive, I know.
Then this sparks a sense of urgency in me, "I HAVE to do something! I HAVE to get to the gym! Make it stop!!!"
Obviously, this is not a fantastic way to start my day.
Over the next 30 days, I'm really looking forward to waking up at peace and feeling a bit more solid in terms of my body.
I hope this list will help us experience success. For me, I think the most helpful part pertained to the Youtube videos. I know there will be days when the gym is crowded and the weather is bad, and I'll just need a change of pace.
What did I miss? How will you set yourself up for success? Let's help each other out!
My best to you, friends!
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