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Friday, August 6, 2010

Those first 40 seconds

     When we have kids, I will tell them that one of the ways I knew their father was The One was that he changed the way I listen to music.  I'm all lyrics.  He's all about the instruments.  Who knew?  

How much do you love the first 40 seconds of this song? Please say, "a lot."  

     Today, I was thinking about our dog, Noel the Kind.  She is shy-ish and sleeps a lot, so she doesn't get very many shout-outs on here, but she is special nonetheless.  Tim had her even before we met so I kind of don't know how to do all *this* without her.  She is all we've ever known.  
     I was also thinking about my sister and her baby.  It surprises me, how much room we have for more love in our hearts.  

My best to you.  


Anonymous said...

That's not a song I'd normally listen to, but it is good. Thanks for sharing ;-) I am like you - I'm all lyrics. Hubby - complete opposite. He's music. He doesn't even know what the song is about half the time. Doesn't care ;-)

Bree said...

Death Cab is SO good. I saw them in concert 2 years ago I think and they were amazing!!

Carrie said...

Noel is adorable! He should get much more blog time! ha! Love the blog!