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Monday, November 15, 2010

Don't be sad, I know you will*

As promised, here is a post about my piano quote from yesterday.  (Do you like how straightforward that intro. was?)  
     Well, I love that Melissa at Dear Baby uses the Pablo Neruda line, "Love, Love, here we are." Sort of as her family's "motto" and again, I wanted in on that action, too.  As much as I LOVE hers, I just couldn't live with the idea of being a copycat (remember, I spend my days with second graders).  So I let my brain sit on that whole idea for just a little while.

     Yesterday, I was petting Scarlett, and I remembered how long it took us to find her.  It felt like we searched for The Perfect Puppy for months.  Lo and behold, there she was.

True love will find you in the end.

     One time, I was in a really weird, really dramatic accident.  Around the same time, Tim was in the middle of his own heartbreak.  I think we both left those experiences worried that we had lost a part of ourselves forever- as if we had missed Every Important Chance Regarding Love That Ever Possibly Existed.  He was hurting.  I had gone crazy.  As individuals, we were both a bit of a mess.  If I could go back and tell That Old Version of Me any one thing, it would be this...

True love will find you in the end.

     As you may already know, I think a lot about babies.  I think a lot about babies because well, babies are cuddly and squishy and fun.  I worry sometimes that it will take us years to get pregnant and we will be too old and shrively by that time to make very many babies in the end, but then I think about our new motto and tell myself that if such is the case, we will just be uber trendy like Brad & Angelina and adopt some ethnically diverse babies.  


True love will find you in the end.

So, there you have it.

Love and Mates of State cover songs, 

*Did you know that about 99.9% of my titles are song lyrics?  I'm so un-creative when it comes to titles.