I can't remember if it was The Girls or The Boys, but some KIND of Scout proclaimed, "Always be prepared!" (Yes, I was a Girl Scout as well as a Brownie...and a Daisy...and I still have the 'pledge' memorized! Maybe more on that later!) :)
So, in the midst of all my de-cluttering, I stumbled upon this adorable vintage "Barbie" tin (it actually used to be a Christmas ornament and is a replica of a teeny-tiny lunch box!) :) I decided to create a make-shift "emergency kit" for my purse. I included the following items:
* q-tips
* bobby pins
* hair ties
* two over-the-counter pain pills
*safety pins
*extra earrings (lest I forget!)
Am I missing anything? What do you think? What do you keep your purse/drawer/glove box stocked with? Love and your-favorite-kind-of-girl-scout-cookie, H. (ooohhh, I heart thin mints!)
An extra set of earrings is so smart! Too often than is normal, I think, I end up realizing I lost ONE earring out of my ear halfway through the day.... (AND no one told me again!)
What a great idea! I might add a stick of gum and one of those really tiny OB tampons :)
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